Thursday, October 15, 2009

Making my carbon footprint smaller and learning how to "go green"

 I've never really thought of myself as very environmental. Don't get me wrong, I love the outdoors and I love the environment, but being "environmental" seems like something different. In my mind, being environmental used to have the connotation of being a hippy or buying organic clothing and eating all organic foods. In reality, it really means that you want to take care of the world you live in. It's making sure that the people you leave behind can enjoy the same beautiful planet that we were able to. 

I found this article about how to be green at Surprisingly, I've been doing some of these green habits for years without knowing I could actually be helping out our planet while doing them. As a college student, I'm always looking for ways to save money. By adapting these green habits, I'm not only helping preserve our planet, but I'm also saving my hard earned money! 
Here are just a few of the tips world watch gives us to go green: 
1. Save energy to save money! I always wash my clothes with cold water. There is no chance for color fading and you save money and energy by not using hot water! 
Also, always remember to turn off lights when you leave the room. This will cut down on your electrical bill. 
2. Save water to save money! If taking shorter showers doesn't sound like your way of cutting costs, install a low-flow showerhead instead. You will use less water without shortening your relaxation time in the shower! 
3. Skip the bottled water. I don't know if you have seen those commercials yet, but after you're done with the water bottle, where do you think it goes? The land fill. Try using a water filter for tap water or buy a reusable water bottle. You'll save money by doing this in the long run and help save the environment! 
you can check out the rest at
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!